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1 min read
Cycle Care

Bottoms bare, medical stirrups, and a speculum. Associations that often enter your mind when you hear the word ‘gynecologist’. Reminiscent of a duckbill’s beak, the speculum is a weird looking device, but what is a speculum exactly and what is it used for?

“It might feel a little uncomfortable but try to relax,” is what a lot of women hear as the now usually warm (thank god) metal speculum is inserted. Relaxing is near impossible for a lot of women in this situation. Even if it's the somewhat uncomfortable position you find yourself in during a visit to the gynecologist or the handsome intern who is ‘just peeking along’ when the doctor looks at your lady bits. And we didn’t even mention that steel monster that makes your nerves shoot through the roof. 

Designed in 1835, the speculum is a medical tool used in internal examinations of the vagina and is designed to open the vagina slightly during an exam. This allows the gynecologist to examine the inside of the vagina and uterus. It is often used when placing an IUD, during the smear test, and during routine check-ups for your vagina and uterus. So the speculum is an important tool in gynecology, although most women find inserting the speculum uncomfortable or even painful. Over time, a plastic disposable speculum has been brought on the market, it’s less cold, doesn't make that ‘steely creaking’ sound, and is available in multiple sizes. Yet its steel counterpart remains the most favorite option of many gynecologists and is most often the cause that a visit to the gynecologist reminds us of a campy horror movie rather than a self-care visit.

Woman-friendly design

It’s something that female engineers and designers of the American Yona Care concern themselves with. The ladies are busy redesigning the old speculum. Their purpose? A better experience for people with a vagina. Because if we can conceive children without sperm, there has to be an alternative to the invasive speculum. Unfortunately, we might still have to wait a little longer as the company is not in the designing phase of the project yet. 

But hey, at least it wont take 185 years! To kill the time you can read our tips on how to prepare for your appointment at the gynecologist here


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