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Bacterial vaginosis

1 min read
Cycle Care

Approved by

Dorenda van Dijken - Gynecologist
75% of Dutch women experience bacterial vaginosis at some point in their lives. Bacterial vaginosis is a disturbance of the body’s own bacteria, often resulting in a - let’s be honest - far from pleasant odor.

Every vagina houses bacteria and fungi essential to keep everything down there healthy and clean. Through the influence of outside factors, think sperm, soap, or lube, this balance can be disrupted and this makes you more susceptible to bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by the gardnerella vaginalis bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most common bacterial infections. 

symptoms of bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis causes the following symptoms:

  • There’s an increase in white/gray discharge

  • Your vagina has a fishy odor

85% of women with bacterial vaginosis has sex frequently

Bacterial vaginosis is not an STD, but has been related to an increased risk of contracting an STD. It’s more common in women who are sexually active - 85% of women who have bacterial vaginosis has sex frequently. Bacterial vaginosis is not an infection, but a disruption in the balance of your vaginal microbiome. This balance can be caused due to a weakened immune system or frequent washing with soap. It’s not contagious and you can still have sex. Women+ who have a (copper) IUD have bacterial vaginosis more often than women who do not use contraceptives. The IUD creates more discharge, but it doesn’t affect the acidity levels in your vagina. It solely works on the cervical mucus. 

Using lubes can disrupt the acidity levels of the vagina. Just as using various types of medicine - such as antibiotics or corticosteroids. Do you have a new partner and you find it difficult to keep your hands off of each other? This increase in sex can disrupt your vagina’s acidity levels. If this is something that happens frequently, we would recommend using a condom. 

Wild nights with a one night stand, or making love to your new lover all night, is nothing possible anymore? Well, luckily it’s not that bad, you just need to remember a few rules and you can still be as wild as ever in between the sheets, but this time without the itchiness, pain, or odor!

  • Rinse your vagina with lukewarm water. Don’t use warm water, this dries out the mucus down there. 

  • Don’t use soap, not even those so-called specialized soaps. Your vagina is self cleansing.

  • Make sure you’re wet enough before having sex.

  • Change your menstrual items at least once every four hours. Use products without any additives such as Gentleday or Yoni. 

  • Wash your underwear with a mild and fragrance free detergent.

  • Make sure your immune system is strong (don’t smoke)

  • Avoid synthetic underwear.

  • Don’t use panty liners

  • Did you go for a swim or take a shower? Dry your vagina immediately. 

The best way to (not) clean your vagina

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Treatment for bacterial vaginosis

Were the previously mentioned precautions not enough? No worries! With these simple solutions you’ll get rid of bacterial vaginosis quickly and effectively!


Patience is a virtue, because bacterial vaginosis goes away by itself.


But are you completely done with the odor and you don’t want to wait? Visit your GP or drugstore. Your GP can prescribe you a course of antibiotics and you can buy treatment ointments or gel at your local drugstore. If you’re unable to resist your partner during your antibiotic course, use a condom, such as our Yes, to keep the acidity levels of your vagina perfectly balanced. Proceed with caution! Treatment ointments or gels can affect the latex in condoms.

Do you frequently suffer from bacterial vaginosis and want to take on a preventive approach using natural ways? You can read our article on probiotics for the vagina. This article explains in depth what a vaginal microbiome is and how it affects our health. It’s worth reading in our opinion!

Results and advice to improve your vaginal flora!

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Want to try out supplements? That’s possible! For a lot of women with bacterial vaginosis, Berberine lessens the symptoms. Berberine is a nutrient found in the plant genus Berberis Vulgaris. Berberine significantly improves the amount of vaginal discharge, itching and odor compared to standard treatment.

Do you have any doubts about the situation down there? Visit your GP!



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