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The big M: the menopause isn’t all bad

2 min read
Cycle Care

Approved by

José Buik-Evers - Hormone specialist
Menopause reminds women of a bunch of unwanted symptoms that can last for years at a time: hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, thinning hair and sleep disorders. So, you might be surprised that this phase can have a positive effect on your life.

Menopause usually reminds women of a bunch of unwanted symptoms that can last for years at a time: hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, thinning hair and sleep disorders. So, you might be surprised that this phase can also have a positive effect on your life. Menopause really is nature’s way of saying: let's stop having babies and start having fun!

7,4 years on average

The perimenopause is the phase of the lifecycle of a woman+ in which the menstruation comes to a stop. In short, your ovaries stop producing estrogen. They stop ovulating. We also produce estrogen in other ways, but that isn’t nearly enough to prevent the negative symptoms of menopause. On average, the perimenopause starts between 45 and 55 years old, in the Netherlands and the UK the average age when a woman+ reaches the menopause lies at 51 years. The perimenopause lasts 7,4 years on average, about 3 years before your last period and 4,4 years after it. it can also last longer -or shorter!- depending on factors like genetics and health. Some women don’t experience symptoms at all. The big M is official once you haven’t menstruated in 12 months, a milestone that most women reach around the age of 51.

By the way, did you know that menopause only lasts one day? It's the day of your last menstruation. You can’t figure this moment out until afterward, since you’re required to have a full 12 months without a period in order to consider it a menopause. If you’ve been menstruation-free for 9 months, and suddenly have another bleeding, you’ll have to restart the count. After 12 months without bleeding you’ll be able to say: ‘Last year on this and that day I had my last menstruation, that was my menopause day’. When we speak of this years-long menopause, we’re actually talking about the perimenopause.

tampons, PMS, and hormonal migraines

In the years before the menopause, your cycle can start getting more irregular. Menstruations become heavier or lighter, and classic symptoms - like hot flashes, sleep issues, brain fog, and mood swings- can rear their head. But not all physical changes that are caused by the decrease of female sex hormones are bad. The menopause marks the end of the menstruation cycle, which is a party in and of its own for many women+. No more messing around with tampons or pads, no more worrying about leaking, no menstruation cramps, and for many women+ a well-needed end to PMS or hormonal migraines. And what did you think about some love making without having to worry about pregnancy?


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Life experience

Many of the physical, emotional, and social changes can have a very positive effect. Those who have kids will notice that they take up a lot less time, or might have even moved out already. Suddenly you have time for fun stuff. And how about all the life experience and the added confidence you’ve gathered? A 50-year-old woman won’t let herself be messed with, and knows herself well. A perfect time for women to ask themselves whether they are on the right track, both professionally and personally, and whether the way they spend their time makes sense for them. But above all, a perfect time to paint the town red. Come on, you’ve earned it!

The menopause as emotional rollercoaster

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Want to read more about the menopause? Click here.


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Cycle is a community where all aspects of the female body are discussed freely. From menstruation to menopause: we'll help you understand your body, mind, cycle and sexuality better, with the help of our Cycle Experts.