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food to get you in the mood: can you enhance your libido with food?

1 min read
Cycle Care

coCreated by

Annelies Deleu - Holistic chef
It is said that there are certain foods which can make your sex drive skyrocket. Cycle tried to find out what it is exactly that you should eat...

Maybe your sex drive is always high, and in that case this is not the right article for you. But there are people for whom it is a little more difficult to get in the mood. We might have good news for these people!


Foods that can have a positive influence on your sex drive are called an aphrodisiac. The term aphrodisiac comes from Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of love, fertility and beauty. An aphrodisiac can enhance your sex drive, it can be stimulating, and it can even cause you to experience more pleasure during sex. Sounds like an absolute dream!

Anyways... if you want to do the horizontal tango, you could incorporate one (or multiple) of these foods in your dinner. Technically it is not scientifically proven, but we say it’s definitely worth the try. Because there is nothing wrong with spending the evening cooking up something tasty together, right?

Eat up

Oysters, scallops, lobsters, and cockles: They are not the kind of food you can cook every night -your wallet wants to enjoy itself too, of course- but every once in a while, it’s okay to have some. The oyster is said to enhance your sex drive, because it slightly looks like a vagina, but of course that alone cannot be it. Researchers have discovered that this seafood contains compounds which stimulate the production of hormones, thereby increasing the testosterone levels in your blood. They also contain a lot of zinc (which in and of itself already causes an improved blood flow to the genitalia), proteins, fats, calcium, and phosphor. This, together with some extra vitamin D, makes the testosterone run high and improves the sexual energy needed for doing the no pants dance.

Eating nuts and seeds in general causes a higher blood flow. That’s because of two important chemicals: zinc and the amino acid L-arginine. Zinc is, as mentioned before, responsible for the blood flow to the genitalia and L-arginine is important for the entire blood flow, it is even used as an additional remedy for erectile dysfunctions. The combined forces of these two means ‘victory’ is near. Walnuts are the best, because they are rich with Omega 3 fatty acids. They protect the veins and keep them supple, which is also good for the blood flow to the genitalia. A handful of nuts a day should be enough, so don’t overeat!

Chocolate. Who doesn’t love it? It’s an amazing snack for when you’re feeling down, but did you know it could help to enhance your sex drive as well? Dark chocolate especially helps. It ensures a normal blood pressure, which could be an advantage for men with erectile dysfunction for example. The flavonoids in cacao produce nitric monoxide, a substance that helps to relax the blood vessels, which can improve the blood flow. But more importantly, cacao also makes us happy, which makes it a wonderful sexual stimulant. That’s actually the reason why cacao used to be banned from convents. Need we say more?

Alcohol. Alcohol can make you feel more free, it makes you forget your daily struggles a little, and it makes you feel more relaxed. And that, in turn, as scientifically proven, increases your desire to have sex. But, please don’t take this as an encouragement to drink alcohol. Still, drinking a glass every now and then is totally fine and can lead to an intimate evening once you’ve found your ‘mojo’. However, don’t drink too much, you want to enjoy yourselves in between the sheets and that can get a little more difficult after a couple of glasses. Doesn’t mean it isn’t worth a shot though, right?

Garlic. This might surprise you, because the smell of garlic is generally not a sexual stimulant (on the upside, if you’ve both eaten it, you really don’t smell it on each others breath). Garlic breath is not that attractive if you haven’t eaten it too. But on the upside, if you want to try this out you can cook up an incredible pasta together. Because did you know that garlic is actually a great aphrodisiac? It can have a stimulating, seductive, and uplifting effect, which is all you need to get in the mood. That’s because the chemical allicin is found in garlic, which, you guessed it, improves the blood flow to the genitalia. 

Eggs. Cooked, baked, as an omelet, whatever your egg preference is, it doesn’t matter. Eggs should be able to balance the hormone levels and reduce stress. They contribute to a healthy sex drive in this way.

Tomato. The tomato is also called the ‘pomme d’amour’. Some time ago, Don Juan shared his secret to his never-ending sex drive. He would drink a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice every single day. Don couldn’t have known back then, but nowadays we do know what the stimulating chemical is in tomatoes. They contain lycopene, which ensures a good condition of the prostate. Lycopene is mostly released by cooking the tomatoes, so it will work a lot better when you make a sexy sauce than when you make a salad of tomatoes and mozzarella. But, if Don Juan had such luck with it, it’s definitely worth a try!

Asparagus. They are rich with potassium and calcium. These are the chemicals which give the hormone production a boost and which stimulate the energy levels. This and a good dose of vitamin E, which is in asparagus, improves, once again, the blood flow to the genitalia. Honestly, what more could you want from food that puts you in the mood? There is one small downside to eating asparagus though. It can start to smell and taste a little funny down there and that could be a possible turn-off for some people.

And lastly: almonds, basil, honey, peaches, apricots, bananas, game (unless you don’t eat meat of course), figs, avocados... These are all products from which it is said that they contain chemicals that can enhance or stimulate your sex drive. So you see, there’s no need to starve for a bit of desire.

sex drive enhancing supplements and herbs

Are you considering doing something else? There are many supplements and herbs that claim they could help as well. And they are for both women and men. Some stores even offer duo-packages... Chuchuhuasi, Damiana extracts, Fenugreek, Maca premium, red Maca, Shilajit, Ginseng, Spanish fly; these are only a few of the options offered. But don’t just start to take any pill or herb without consulting a professional. We wouldn’t recommend this!

and what shouldn’t you eat?

Deep-fried food: As tasty as deep-fried food can be, it is not good for your body. And the trans fats in these products make you feel less like having sex. Which is the exact opposite of what you want to achieve.

Coffee: We don’t recommend drinking coffee in the evening. Not just because it can give you a terribly bad breath, but also because it can give your body a lot of stress. This stress hormone will disrupt the hormone balance. And that usually doesn’t have a positive influence on your desire to have sex, or sleep for that matter.

Oatmeal: Eating oats is an amazing way to start your morning, but there is one downside: less serotonin is released into your body. Serotonin is an important chemical for your happiness, and thus it is exactly the type of chemical that makes you want to do the horizontal tango.

So much for some information on so-called aphrodisiac foods and supplements, and products that are better left on the supermarket shelves. We at Cycle are also wondering if they actually help. Honestly, we think you should take this with a big grain of salt. But it’s up to you to figure out if you think it’s worth the try. We do want to give you one last tip: don’t abruptly change your eating patterns, and suddenly start taking pills or powders. Always listen to the advice of an expert like a dietitian or a doctor. In some cases it doesn’t hurt to try, but in this case it might.

If you ask us, the best aphrodisiac is to make time for each other, to do something you both enjoy, and to cook some food to put you in the mood. Whatever it is you decide to do, remember one thing: have fun!


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